Want me to look at your business and tell you exactly what's missing, what needs fixing, and how to grow?

In my coaching/consulting/training businesses, I have delivered (as of June 2024):

  • 12,000+ one-on-one sessions (I stopped counting a few years ago),
  • 113 one-to-three-day big-ticket workshops and seminars,
  • 1607 online coaching/training programs ranging from $1000 to $14,300, and,
  • Numerous smaller offerings (<$100) that sell on autopilot, with minimal to no work.

I’ve created and sold just about every type of customer and client offer worth creating.

I know what currently works and what doesn’t, because I continue to run profitable businesses in the coaching/consulting/training space - in a range of different niches.

I set my own schedule, work from a laptop, and my business is designed for personal fulfillment, maximum results for my clients, and the most amount of profit per 4-hour workday.

Oh, and I don’t do any sales calls or have a sales team.

Why am I sharing this?

Well, I'm going to personally help 3 people this week.

I'll take a close look at your business and tell you exactly what you need to do, so you can start making more sales and attracting more clients.

This is for you if you…

  • Currently offer one-on-one and you're not attracting new clients (or want to shift one-on-one to a premium-level offer), OR have an existing online group offer or program that isn’t selling,
  • Don’t want to do sales calls or give out free sessions,
  • Don’t want to create complex marketing funnels,
  • And don’t want to spend all day posting on social media.

Here's how it works:

  1. Fill in the form so I get a complete picture of your business (website, marketing, offers etc) and what you need help with.
  2. I will then go through everything in detail and record a comprehensive screen-share video to provide you with feedback.
  3. I will highlight what's missing, what needs fixing, and give you my best tips on how to grow and scale your business.

Your Custom Business Breakthrough Video will be sent to you within 3 business days, so you can get to work!

If the offer is sold out, simply enter your details to be notified when I have a place available.